Author Archives: Webmaster

Lunch Group

On the 28TH June we dined at The Willow Tree in Basford (part of the Stadium Leisure Group).  In July we are having lunch and a three hour trip on the Nottingham Princess riverboat if you would like to join … Continue reading

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Short Walks

June 15th was a very warm day for a walk but 8 intrepid short walkers set off from Jacksdale Garden Centre with walk leader Roy Brown. Their destination was the ruins of 13th-century Codnor Castle. The land around Codnor came … Continue reading

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Quiz Night Report

The Social Sub Committee’s latest function was a Quiz Night on Friday 23rd June at the John Godber Centre. This was a catered event and  the evening started by maintaining our calorie intake with ‘Pie, Peas and Mash’. There were … Continue reading

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Traditional Folk Music was enjoyed by a smaller group than usual, due to holidays and other U3A events. We continue to find new songs that are suitable for the group to sing. Our next meeting on July 18th will be … Continue reading

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NT visit to Wimpole Estate

Our longest journey of the year saw the group make an earlier than usual start to the day by leaving Hucknall at 8.30 am. After a journey of just over two hours we arrived to fine weather at the beautiful … Continue reading

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