Author Archives: Webmaster

Lunch Group

Please let me know if you wish your name to be added to any of the following venues: SEPTEMBER  27TH – Ciao Bella, Mansfield – 12.15 pm opening; choices to be given at the August Lunch group or September u3a meeting … Continue reading

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Long Walks

Our walk for August was in the Meden Vale, and very nice it was too. It was a pleasant walk of 8.5 miles which took us over surprisingly good paths considering all the rain we’ve had. Good field paths, quiet … Continue reading

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National Trust Visit – Quarry Bank Mill

The group left Hucknall Market Place at 8.30am on Monday, 31st July, to visit Quarry Bank Mill. After a two hour drive we were met by volunteers from the National Trust who gave out our tickets for the day and … Continue reading

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Litter Picking

Frequent and heavy rainstorms have understandably rather curtailed the activities of many of the group in July. Nevertheless 20 bags of litter have been collected by some of the most ardent members. One such member who takes his dog for … Continue reading

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Medium Walk

Our July walk started from Epperstone, where we were scrutinized by several people in the pub car park when we arrived, who we then established were another walking group on a similar route. Our walk took us uphill from the … Continue reading

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