Author Archives: Webmaster

Lunch Group

Our venue on 27th September was at Ciao Bella Mansfield in the Lounge. A lovely place and good meal.  Please let me know if you wish your name to be added to any of the following venues. 25th October 12 … Continue reading

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Litter Picking Group

Once again members of the group were out and about collecting litter from our area and in total gathered 27 bags of it in September, all of which was disposed of in the correct manner. On 18th September an informal meeting … Continue reading

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GOD’s on Tour – Do Croquet

On Friday 22nd September 17 ladies of the Growing Old Disgracefully group ventured forth on our planned adventure. We caught the tram from Hucknall Station (at a suitable time not to be called the ‘Twirlies’) and travelled south to the … Continue reading

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National Trust – Dunham Massey

The National Trust group returned to Cheshire for their September visit to one of the largest estates in the National Trust portfolio. Travelling through the Peak District we arrived safely at 10.45am. The weather forecast was for rain later in … Continue reading

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Not So Grumpy Old Men

On September 20th our visit was to the Ruddington Framework Knitters Museum Before our guided tour we met in Parker’s Yard Cafe named after the Parker family who owned and ran one of the earliest frame knitting workshops that once … Continue reading

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