Author Archives: Webmaster

Theatre Group – Pantomime

The Panto this year, Robin Hood, is at the John Godber Centre on Saturday 20th January 2024 – 2.30pm performance – tickets only £8.00. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to go as tickets have … Continue reading

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Flower Arranging Group

Our October theme was big blousy Autumn or miniature. As always, our ladies excelled with their interpretations as they hadn’t had a demonstration to follow. An example of September’s arrangement using sticks and gutter mesh was a follow me arrangement.  … Continue reading

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Pub Quiz and Lunch

The Pub Quiz took place on the 11th September when 22 of us met at The Nabb Inn.  All are welcome – we prefer a maximum of four to a team where possible as we can always add a person … Continue reading

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Reading Group

The October Reading Group met on Wednesday, 4thOctober.   The September set book was The Devil’s Table by Kate Rhodes.  

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In September we had a Social Afternoon at Lindsay Smith’s; we had a good time with lovely food.  We re-booked our trip to Boundary Mills Rotherham followed by the Whitby’s Fish Restaurant lunch on Wednesday, 20th September and we celebrated … Continue reading

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