Author Archives: Webmaster

Vegetarian Cookery

The group were delighted to watch and, then taste, this month’s offering of Citrus drops and Butternut squash bread pudding. As ever, Anne excelled in her demonstration and provided tasty treats for all. Next month’s meeting will be on the … Continue reading

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Short Walks

Due to the forecast for heavy rainfall the decision was made to postpone the October walk, starting from Gravelly Hollow, to Thursday, November 16th. Reminder details will be sent out to group members around November 9th. David Rose

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Not So Grumpy Old Men

On Tuesday October 24th we had a guided tour of Newstead Abbey. Best laid plans to meet at Newstead Village and to enter the Abbey grounds through the tradesman’s entrance were thwarted by a flooded road with two abandoned vehicles. … Continue reading

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Our October meeting began with Part 1 of a theme entitled  ‘The Greening of Nottinghamshire’ presented by David Vincent. Following the Aberfan disaster new laws were passed regarding coal mining spoil heaps. David was part of the Nottinghamshire County team … Continue reading

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History Group

The History Group always welcomes all U3A members especially new ones. Our indoor meeting place is Central Methodist Church on Baker Street: time 2pm – 4pm. The visit to the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery was am-a-zing. I have been trying to think, … Continue reading

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