Author Archives: Webmaster

Time Change to Xmas Showcase

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Pub Quiz and lunch

The Pub Quiz took place on the 9th October when we met at The Nabb Inn.  All are welcome – we prefer a maximum of four to a team where possible as we can always add a person to another … Continue reading

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Reading Group

The Reading Group will meet on 1st November when we will discuss Eight Detectives by Alex Pavesi which was a Hucknall Library Crime Café choice.  We shall each choose a Classic book to discuss next time.

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In October we had two birthday lunches;  one at The Nabb Inn for Anita and one at The Broomhill for Lndsay. Sadly we had to cancel the trip to Derby Intu Centre as we did not fill the bus.  Finally, … Continue reading

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Lunch Group

24 of us enjoyed lunch on 25th October at the Gedling Inn & Kitchen.  On 22nd November we dine at 6.30 pm at Bibiana Bengal Restaurant, Hucknall;  they don’t open at lunchtime hence the early dinner.  We are looking forward … Continue reading

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