Author Archives: Webmaster

Message from the Chair

Well what a month October was, so much rain, that my dog walking boots have got so wet they are soaked through, stuffed with newspaper drying out. One day after the storms we were walking the dogs, came to a … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Our meeting in November went well with a good effort made by many to describe in French the Christmas they enjoyed in the past or the one they anticipate for this year! We then had a great rehearsal for our … Continue reading

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Long Walk – 7th November 2023

Our latest walk was to Lambley Dumbles, it was an 8.37 miles walk.  A great many thanks to the eleven hardy souls who accompanied me on our latest excursion, following the floods and rain we have had lately it was … Continue reading

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National Trust – Charlecote Park

On an overcast morning on October 26th the group left Hucknall Market with a full coach to travel to Charlecote Park which lies close to the River Avon between Warwick and Stratford. Arriving by 10,30 am  the group were met … Continue reading

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Litter Picking

Despite the awful weather in October members of the litter picking group still managed to collect 26 bags of rubbish – but do you know what they do with it? Well, normally they leave the rubbish all correctly bagged up … Continue reading

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