Author Archives: Webmaster

Science Group

Thanks to all contributors to the October meeting. Meeting on November 19th, 2021 Bob is preparing a Christmas Science Quiz activity and we will be revisiting the Christmas tree. If we have time we will watch two short video clips … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

Our meeting in October was well attended and we welcomed a new lady to join us. We revised some of Ma France to get us into the spirit of French after our work on Spanish. Our next meeting will be … Continue reading

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Short Walks Group

Twenty one members took part in the October walk from the car park of the fairly new Annesley and Newstead Country Park. Thanks to Phil Attenborough for arranging the route and leading the walk. Our next walk will be on … Continue reading

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History Group

The History Group always welcomes all U3A members. Our usual meeting place which is Central Methodist Church should be fully open, including kitchen, for our next indoor meeting on December 15th. In the meantime on November 17th we have a … Continue reading

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Watercolour Group

The watercolour group has now restarted following the lock down. Our first meeting was back in October and I am pleased to confirm the meeting was well attended. Lock down has given time to most of the members to continue … Continue reading

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