Author Archives: Webmaster

Message from the Chair

November means we are well into the autumn months. An obvious sign all around us are the interestingly coloured leaves that slowly drop from trees and shrubs to blow about and carpet the ground. But why do some plants shed … Continue reading

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How to Spot a Scam

Ask yourself the following questions. If you answer yes to any of them, there’s a good chance it’s a scam. 1. Have you been contacted out of the blue? Cold calls or unexpected emails or messages should raise suspicion, especially … Continue reading

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Recycle and Re-use

We are collecting various items – Two to recycle and one to be reused and made into something new. 1. Crisp Packets Thanks for keeping up the good work by bringing your empties to the monthly meeting. It helps the … Continue reading

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Litter Picking Group

The Litter Picking Group continues to be kept very busy with at least 19 bags of rubbish collected so far this month across the Hucknall, Linby & Annesley areas. One slight problem that some of us are having is that … Continue reading

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Mid-length Walking Group

Our October walk began at Codnor Park Reservoir and twenty walkers set off along Cromford Canal in the direction of the Butterley Tunnel. We left the canal to look at a group of terraced cottages that were built to accommodate … Continue reading

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