Author Archives: Webmaster

Notes from the Committee

The Committee met via Zoom on Wednesday January 5th, 2022 at 10.00 am. Apologies for absence were received from Sandra Green Gary and Tina Holmes attended as observers. The minutes of the December meeting were agreed as a true record. … Continue reading

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Message from the Chair – January 2022

Once more we are approaching the end of an eventful year with some optimism for the situation gradually changing in 2022. Between September and December we are very pleased to report that most of our groups were up and running … Continue reading

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Short Walks

This month the walk is on Thursday January 20th, 2022. Meet at Titchfield Park car park near the junction with Caddaw Avenue at 9.45 for a 10am start. If the car park is busy there is ample parking nearby on … Continue reading

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Scams – some light relief

This month we will look at two of the strangest scams of 2021 It’s been a turbulent year in the pandemic, with the recent rise of the Omicron variant turning the tide of earlier optimism into one of concern about … Continue reading

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Pub Quiz

Our second Pub Quiz in two years was on December 13th, 2021 and had a distinctive Christmas theme when, once again, 26 of us met at the newly refurbished Nabb Inn. Sadly, due to the current Covid situation we feel … Continue reading

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