Author Archives: Webmaster

Easy Wheelers Cycling Group

On Wednesday 19th January the group decided to make their first crossing of the ‘Iron Giant’ the Bennerley Viaduct in the Erewash Valley, near Ilkeston. So much work has been undertaken and the viaduct is going to be a great … Continue reading

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Pub Quiz and Lunch

We postponed our Pub Quiz visit for January but the next one will be on Monday, 14th February, 2022 at The Nabb Inn at 12 noon. Here are the answers to the January quiz. According to an old wives’ tale, … Continue reading

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Reading Group

We decided not to hold a January Reading Group session but again shared on line our comments on books we had read. In February we will hold a normal Reading Group session when we will be discussing “any book you … Continue reading

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The Weekenders February Newsletter will be sent out on 1st February. Once again, many thanks to Margaret Whilde and Lindsay Smith for printing off copies for those members not on email and for delivering them on their morning walks. We … Continue reading

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Lunch Group

The January 26th lunch was cancelled due to the rising Omicrom infection. The February lunch for the 23rd at The Shepherd’s Rest, Bagthorpe is going ahead and I now need members’ menu choices. Payment will be due on the day. … Continue reading

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