Author Archives: Webmaster

Pub Quiz and Lunch

We re-started the Pub Quiz on Monday, 14th February at The Nabb Inn when 21 members attended. The next one will be on Monday, 14th March at 12 noon. Here are the answers to the February newsletter quiz. 1 Which … Continue reading

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Reading Group

We had to cancel February’s session due to my having been in contact with positive Covid family members. We had read a variety of “books you read as a child or at school/college” which included mostly classics such as Little … Continue reading

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The Weekenders March Newsletter will be sent out on 1st March. Once again, many thanks to Margaret Whilde & Lindsay Smith for printing off copies for those members not on email and for delivering them on their morning walks. We … Continue reading

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Lunch Group

The February lunch on the 23rd was at The Shepherd’s Rest, Bagthorpe when 27 of us attended. The March Lunch is at Ramsdale Golf Club on the 23rd. April’s lunch will be on the 27th at The Bromley at Fiskerton. … Continue reading

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It was lovely to see so many members at our February meeting and to meet new members too. Our next Singalong is on 15th March at 10.30 am at St.Peter & St.Paul’s Church Hall, Hucknall. The theme is “The Swinging … Continue reading

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