April Walk Report

We ventured into Tissington for our April walk; Lindsay Smith and Sue Tedstone were our walk leaders. This was the walk that we had to cancel last October because of torrential rain. I think that someone is telling us not to go there because this time we had a day of April showers, some heavier than others!!
We started off on the Tissington Trail but soon set off across fields of sheep and sweet little lambs. A very steep hill and then down again, took us into Parwich. This was our coffee stop and fortunately for us one of our group found a very handy shelter in the garden of the Royal British Legion – no one chased us away! And then we headed off to Alsop-en-le-Dale and another steep climb back to the Tissington Trail. Then a miracle happened, the rain stopped and we had our lunch on the picnic benches there, in the dry!
We ended the walk with a nice, easy stroll along the trail and a small section of the Limestone Way into Tissington Village. Just as we reached the last section of our route the rain came back with a vengeance! The six mile walk took the seventeen of us 4.5 hours to complete and was very enjoyable, despite the rain. There’s nothing like a bit of adversity to bring a group closer together! A nice sunny day has been ordered for next time though!
Our next walk is on: Monday 19th May to Stanton Moor, Derbyshire

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