A “LOVE”ly time at the Pub Quiz and Lunch Group

A “LOVE”ly time at the February “Pub Quiz and Lunch Group”
Yet again we had another great turnout of U3A members to the last meeting of the “Pub Quiz & Lunch” Group on Monday. 9th February at the Nabb Inn. Thirty-one people attended, making up seven teams of approximately five people who joined in the quiz which was themed around “St Valentines and Looooooove”.
The winning team was “Universally Challenged”, each member of the team winning a “Heart T Light”. Second was “Whatever” winning “Heart Wall Decorations” and third was “Newbies” winning a box of Milk Tray each. The Quiz prizes are purchased on our behalf by Sandra Green who wraps them and provides truly lovely presentations. Everyone applauded her for her efforts.
The Raffle was yet again very popular and thanks go to all those members who donated a prize to the “Bumper Prize Bag” and other prizes. It is because of your kind support that the raffle is such a great success. Thanks also to the Nabb Inn for donating a bottle of wine.
For the first time most people enjoyed doing some Dingbats, which was just for a laugh. I know that some people are not keen on Dingbats but I think we will continue with them just for a laugh, as the majority seemed to enjoy doing them.
At the end of the meeting there seemed to be some confusion regarding ordering of the meals. Since the meeting I have spoken to the Manager of the Nabb Inn and he assures me that he will be putting different table identifications for our tables, which will help and we will not have to pre-order meals.
The next meeting will be at the Nabb Inn, Nabbs Lane on Monday, 9th March at 12noon.
From your compere and sometimes rubbish Quizmaster, John Peters and my beautiful assistants, Sandra, Alison and Mollie.

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