Weekenders' Summer Programme

The Weekenders have planned a series of events up until August and there is an information slip available at the monthly meeting with all the details so please help yourself and come and join us. A copy of the programme will also be on the Hucknall U3A website. All events organised by either the Lunch Group or the Weekenders Group are open to all U3A members, regardless of whether they are regulars or not. Obviously places are sometimes limited so it’s first come, first served; I should be grateful if you could let me know if you are interested in these events as soon as possible so that I can let other members know if I have places left.
On 16th July we had a day trip to the Crich Well Dressing. We started with coffee at The Family Tree in Whatstandwell, then on to Crich for the Well Dressing, six flower pictures excellently put together by various organisations in the village. We were then invited into the Baptist Church where we were given coffee and cakes, totally free of charge. There was a little confusion over the programme of events, compounded by the drizzly rain that started (as Peter Kay would say “the sort of rain that wets you”. We went back to the bus to shelter, then some took a chance on the weather to go to the Village Fete whilst others went to the nearest pub. Then the rain stopped so we all went to the Fete, where events included a Brass Band, Maypole Dancing, the start of a 10k uphill race, then a demonstration of Dancing Dogs. There were many other activities happening at the same time and later on but we had to come away at 2.30 pm in order to go to Alfreton House for Afternoon Tea, with an excellent presentation of sandwiches, cakes, scones and unlimited tea. The quiz on the bus was won by Marianne Simmons and Joyce Avery.
Then on 23rd July we had another trip out, to Boundary Mills near Rotherham, followed by lunch at Whitbys’ Fish & Chip Restaurant close by. Good job the place was air conditioned as there was a lot of trying on to be done by all the ladies. I think the best bargain hunter was Margaret Whilde who came away with a pack of two hotel quality bed pillows at a vastly reduced price. But we all managed to get our purses open, some wider than others. I bought three packs of Pierre Cardin men’s socks for Christmas presents. You can’t start too early. Christine Wheatley did a fashion parade for us popping in and out of the changing room and finally decided on a beautiful dusty blue lace dress; she just needs to occasion to wear it now. Then we went over to Whitby’s Fish & Chip Restaurant; very tastefully decorated (air conditioned of course) and very prompt delivery of all our meals. The best fish and chips we have had for ages. Of course there was the obligatory Fashion quiz on the bus, won yet again by Marianne Simmons with help from Angela Underwood.
We plan another outing, this time to Cromford Mills on 7th August, a lovely setting for shopping and Sunday lunch and there are a few places left on the bus.
We plan a Social Afternoon with a Wedding theme on 20th August at the home of Christine Wheatley.
Our Coffee Club get together was on 30th July when we showed off our funniest photos and the Coffee Club/Programme Planning session will be on Saturday, 27th August, so be ready with some new ideas please.

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