Mid-Length Walk April

33 of us ventured eastwards for our April walk, starting from Ferry Farm, near Hoveringham, and taking in Gunthorpe Lock, Caythorpe and Hoveringham villages. We started off in fairly cold and grey weather, but proceedings were enlivened by an arriving car, which turned into the parking area at speed, and came to an abrupt stop above the River Trent, which was in full flow at the time!
Our walk leader, Barrie Saunders, had mentioned the possibility of large numbers of cattle in the first fields, and one of our number sought refuge in the middle of our large group, having spotted some very long, curved horns on some of the residents.
The weather gradually improved, and we had a very pleasant walk across the fields and through the villages. Our picnic stop also gave a view of the passing trains, so something for our Railway group members as well.
Several of our members had walking apps on their phones; although giving slightly different results, we had walked over 17,000 steps, which was about 450 calories – probably about half a Mars bar!
Thanks to Barrie and Sue Saunders for organising this walk, with a record turnout.
Our next walk is on Monday May 16th to Mackworth.

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