Weekenders' April – May

The Weekenders have planned a series of events up until August and there is an information slip available at the April meeting with all the details so please help yourself and come and join us.
We had a lively Coffee Club session on 19th March when the theme was “Have you ever traced your Family Tree?” and we swapped anecdotes about our great grandparents. Then the next day eight of us enjoyed a guided tour of the Nottingham Council House. This is a free tour lasting three quarters of an hour on a Sunday at 10.30 am and 11.15 am. We can certainly recommend this and we could have listened much longer to the guide telling us about the history not only of the Nottingham Council House, or the Exchange as it was known as, but also some of Nottingham’s ancient history.
Our first event in April was on 9th when we had a day out to Dobbies Retail Park near Chesterfield. Then on April 16th we will have another Social Evening at Ruth Houldsworth’s home, with a “Seaside” theme including Fish & Chips; this is now full. The next day we will be having a guided tour of Strelley Hall followed by Afternoon Tea,(places still available) ending the month with our Coffee Club on the 30th April. Then we start May off with lunch on Saturday, 7th at our favourite Saturday venue, Arunothai. On 14th May we hope to host another Social Evening but we need a host venue please! Then on 16th May we are having a day trip to Bakewell Market. We end May with our Coffee Club on 28th when we hope to have a Book Exchange.
All events organised by either the Lunch Group or the Weekenders Group are open to all U3A members, regardless of whether they are regulars or not. Obviously space is sometimes limited so it’s first come, first served.

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