Lunch Group Spring Plans

The Lunch Group meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 12 noon (unless otherwise stated) at a different restaurant each month. The menus vary in price and content but hopefully average out over the year at a reasonable cost. It is an opportunity for members to meet together socially and try out different restaurants which, as individuals, they may not have had the chance to try before. We always have a quiz which is usually related to the venue or its theme. We hope you will find something of interest to your “taste” and look forward to meeting up with you each month.
On the 24th February we were at The Little John, Ravenshead, which has been tremendously re-vamped since I last visited many years ago. The Nottinghamshire Tourism Quiz was won by June Burton and Selina Bramley.
Our next three venues will be on 23rd March at the Oakmere Golf Club, Oxton, 27th April at The Carnarvon, Teversal and 25th May at Le Bistrot Pierre in Nottingham. A deposit of £5 per venue is required please for the March and April venues and your menu choices too (see the U3A website).

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