Garden Group Future Plans

Again brilliant weather for another trip out this time on Feb 16th to Hodsocks Priory where the Snowdrops were at their best and well open in the beautiful sunshine also great displays of a variety of Hellebores. On the way back a visit to the Dukeries Garden Centre at Welbeck was enjoyed by 50 of our Hucknall members.
March meeting will be at John Godber as usual, March 15 at 2.00 P.M. in the Byron Room. Speaker will be Sally Smith telling us about the benefits of garden pests in our gardens.
April meeting will be 19th April at 2.00 again same time and venue with speaker Mike Davey coming along to give a presentation on the wonderful gardens of Cornwall and the Camel River.
All members of Hucknall U3A are invited to come along and join the Garden Group. The following 5 months will all be outside visits on our usual 50 seater coach.

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