Film Club Showings

This Thursday at The Silver Surfers see ‘Sinatra at 100’ – the life story of Frank Sinatra. If you enjoy his singing you will love this. Being shown at 10.30 and 13.30. be early to ensure a seat. Showing at The Broadway Nottingham (incl. Free coffee and biscuits) The Savoy, Derby Rd – The Corner House, Nottingham and The Odeon, Mansfield.
This week’s film will be ‘Carol’ starring Cate Blanchett and as usual will be shown at The Bonington on Friday 29th at 7.30. Tickets are £4.50 and the Bonington, for those of you who don’t know, is on High Street, Arnold with a large Car Park outside. This film is also being shown on Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st at the same time. Further info from Alan on 9273524.

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