Lunch Group November Plans

The rain did not put us off when we lunched at The Countryman in Kirkby in Ashfield on October 28th when we had a superb meal and the quiz was won by Ann Taylor and Lily Bennington with an impressive score of 25 out of 29!
Then, on November 25th we go to Cosmo, a recently opened World Buffet in the Trinity Square area of Nottingham. As it is a buffet I do not need your menu choices this month!
I can’t believe our annual visit on December 16th to the Albert Hall for Christmas Lunch & Dick Whittington panto at Nottingham Playhouse is not too far away. Hasn’t this year just flown by? Like they say, time flies when you’re having fun!
I have given preliminary notice for our January venue, which will be the Westminster Hotel, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. The menu for this is on the Lunch Group website and I must please have your deposits of £5 at the November meeting, as there will be no business conducted at our December Christmas Social. Please make cheques payable to Hucknall and District U3A.
If you cannot be at the November U3A meeting, you may email your name to go down but please also check the list at the next monthly U3A meeting to make sure it’s down, together with your menu choice. Email Sandra on the form below or telephone 0115 8408132.
Menu for January Meeting
BEST WESTERN Westminster Hotel 312 Mansfield Road Nottingham NG5 2EF 27th January at 12 noon 2 courses £11.95 3 courses £14.95 £5 deposit needed
To start Tomato & basil soup Melon, fruits & mango sorbet Chicken liver parfait, Melba toast & apple chutney
Mains Roast topside of beef Poached salmon, asparagus & hollandaise sauce Pea & mint risotto & feta cheese
(All our main courses are served with potatoes & seasonal vegetables)
Sweets Dark chocolate mousse with raspberry Strawberry Eton mess Glazed lemon tart
Tea or Coffee

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