Cycle Group August Report

Weekly rides have continued throughout the holiday period and these included a full day out on the 5th August.
We started from Vicar Water car park and followed trails through to Clumber Park for a short drinks stop and from there we set off to return via Edwinstowe.
We decided to stop in Edwinstowe for lunch near the cricket pavilion in order to enjoy the atmosphere of the Robin Hood Festival that was taking place nearby. Another reason being that it was close to an excellent home made cake stall that had a magnetic effect on most of us.
After Edwinstowe we took an alternative route back which included an interesting ‘adventurous ‘ track through the forest before returning to Vicar Water.
This ride was good training for two of our regular riders , John Saunders and Terry Hill who should now have safely returned after cycling from Newcastle to Edinburgh on the Coast and Castles route. This also offered them an opportunity to complete some in depth research into Scottish real ales.
Finally our very best wishes are extended to two members, John Gibson and Sue Rae who are due to marry on the 13th September somewhere on the Mediterranean Sea.
David and Irene

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