Music for Pleasure – May

The Music for Pleasure group enjoyed another evening of interesting and diverse music on Tuesday 26th March. John had once again devised a programme of very differing music, from classical to heavy rock, consisting of excerpts from Holst’s The Planets Suite, operatic arias and popular music from American soprano Joyce Didanato, loud (and I mean loud!) contributions from the likes of Bon Jovi and Iron Maiden, and some nostalgia in the form of Neil Diamond’s greatest hits.
The conversation also flowed well throughout the evening, although John always keeps the music at the right volume to enable us to talk and listen at the same time! Although we all have differing musical tastes, we’re able to hear and appreciate other forms of music which we may not otherwise listen to. This is one of the strengths of this group.
We have agreed that our next evening should consist of more nostalgia in the form of a Rock and Roll night with music from the 1950’s and 60’s. This should bring back lots of memories from the days of our youth – carefree days spent socialising and dancing to the great new musical sounds in our lives.
New members are always welcome to join us. Please contact John Peters on the form below.

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