Short Walk in May

In glorious spring weather 25 walkers set off from Manor Farm Tea Shop for a short walk above Bleasby and The Brackenhurst Estate. Good views were to be seen of the Trent Valley, and twitchers in the group were kept busy identifying different birdsongs. After an “unintentional detour” to a bird hide we made our way back to Bleasby and a pleasant meal at Manor Farm.
On June 18th we will start the 5 mile walk from the Horse and Groom at Moorgreen. From there we will walk towards Greasley Church. After that, via footpaths and quiet roads to Misk Hills, Bluebell Woods, ‘Granny Steps’ over the M1, we will arrive again at Narrow Lane which we will follow back to the Horse and Groom and lunch for those who wish to stay. The walk starts at 10.00 and is open to all U3A members. The leader will be David Rose.

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