Weekenders' Plans for May-July

Thanks to the U3A Social Committee for organising such a good St. George’s Day Concert on 25th April with Newstead Brass Band. All of us Weekenders on our table had a very enjoyable evening.
And the next day we were out again for our Sunday lunch at The Eating Inn (previously called The Tree Tops) at Mapperley Plains. We had a lovely lunch and originally planned to go to Brookfield Garden Centre afterwards but the after lunch topical discussions made it too late as the Garden Centre would have been closed! Our next Weekenders lunch will be on Saturday, 23rd May at Arunothai on Farleys Lane. I shall need your menu choices for this please, to facilitate a faster waiter service.
At our Coffee Club on 2nd May we will be discussing plans for the next three months, details of which are on the U3A website. Unfortunately we had to cancel the April Coffee Club as so many members were doing other things that day.
Eighteen of us had a lovely day trip to Bakewell & Peak District on Monday, 13th April and the Spring Quiz on the bus was won by June Williamson and Sylvia Cocker. Bakewell was extremely busy, probably due to the school holidays but afterwards we drove into the Peak District and stopped for an hour in Castleton, which was very pleasant and the weather was reasonable too.
Looking to the future I have booked Lottie’s Secret Tearoom for an Ascot Afternoon Tea on Friday, 12th June at 2 pm at a cost of £13.50 and this is open to any U3A member who wishes to join us, although places are limited to 20.
In July we plan a day trip to Crich Tramway Museum on the 11th and this will cost £14 including admission and transport. There are 16 places and only one remaining.

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