Gardening Titbits

April is a really busy month for those wishing to grow a few veg. I have been busy moving my courgettes from the conservatory to the greenhouse bench however I can’t claim a great success as within two days six plants had flopped over and given up the ghost. The main problem with courgettes is that the ones considered too small to pick manage to grow into marrows almost overnight. I’m sowing my indoor cucumbers now ready for planting out mid May. These are also on the greenhouse bench. Remember to sow these seeds on their side edge into small pots and placed in a warm propagator.
The lettuce I sowed in February are now coming along nicely in individual pots and if the weather keeps sunny and frost free then they will be out into the cold frame or poly tunnel border. If only I can time them right I should be eating my home grown lettuce for June and July. Now is the time for sowing a few more for eating in August and September.
By the way I’ve been pulling rhubarb for the past two weeks and Colleen has been busy stewing and crumbling. I got a bit of a shock at the weekend when admiring my neighbour’s rhubarb he asked me what you did with it and was it safe to eat. We live and learn.
Chief Weeder ( Alan )

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