Short Walks March/April

John Ellis led a delightful “short” walk around Harlow Wood. I, personally, was amazed that from the Ravenshead side of West Notts College paths and bridleways lead in every direction, so that apart from crossing a few busy roads, calm and peace pervaded. Thanks John, but ignore the fellow with the size 12 feet another time.
Our next walk on Thursday 16th April will be led by Paul Healey. Meet, 09.50 for 10.00 start, at the Worlds End pub on Plough Lane, Lowdham. Pub is located to the west of Lowdham By-Pass near the Ton Lane traffic lights. Postcode is NG147AT. Landlord says ok to park in pub car park when we arrive. Pub opens at 12 noon. Good selection of affordable meals.
Walk is just under 4 miles and will take about 2 hours. Route is past Lowdham church, over to Lowdham Mill, then to Gonalston village, past Cliff Mill and returning to Lowdham over rising ground to enjoy the views over the Trent valley.
The short walks group is an OPEN GROUP to U3A members. Everyone is welcome, just turn up on the day.

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