Weekenders February Programme

The Weekenders lunch at Arunothai on Farleys Lane was on Saturday, January 17th when we had a few new faces join us for what we always enjoy – a reasonably priced and very pleasant lunch and good company. We have booked in there again for March 21st as this venue is now becoming our “every other month” venue.
Although we have nothing else planned for January, we are busy making plans for our “Coffee Club” on Saturday, 7th February, when we hope to see examples of members’ hobbies. Also we plan to see the Hucknall & Linby Brass Band in concert at St. Peter & St. Paul’s later, in the evening. We are also having Sunday lunch at the Dog & Quayle on the 15th, a trip to York on the 21st , a Fun Night at the Indoor Bowls Centre on 28th, followed by a visit to Trowell Garden Centre on 29th. So that more than makes up for our lack of activity in January!

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