Pub Quiz and Lunch – Christmas

The Pub Quiz & Lunch Group started the Christmas festivities off on December 1st with yet another good turnout. Everyone received a Christmas cracker and put on their hats for the photos, whilst having a dip into the Christmas Lucky Dip bag. The Quiz itself proved a little more difficult than the last two but was won by the team made up of Judith & Paul Wilkinson, Tony & Margaret Whilde and Muriel and Allan Lippiatt. Second place went to the team made up of Jo Butler, Pat Jones, Carrolyn Simpson and Chris Beer, whilst in Third place was Steve & Phyllis Hooley, Lindsay Smith and Jean Martin. Then followed the Raffle, including a Bumper Bag of Goodies (thanks members for your donations), a bottle of wine from the Manager of the Nabb Inn, and eight other prizes. Many thanks to John Peters for master-minding the Quiz, Alison Robbins for administration and Sandra Green for sourcing the prizes. The next Quiz & Lunch will be back on the normal day of second Monday of the month (ie January 12th).
Merry Christmas to all!
Jean,Lindsay & Hooleys

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