Pub Quiz and Lunch Flying Start

I would like to thank you all for coming to ‘U3A -Pub Quiz and Lunch’ held at the ‘Nabb Inn’ on 13th October. I was overwhelmed by the number of people that attended. There were 26 people in attendance. I was only expecting about 15. I thought the lunch time went well and I hope you all enjoyed your lunch.
A small group of members are getting together with the view to helping me and to see what we could possibly do on the meetings to improve member participation etc. If anyone would like to help please let me know.
Finally I would like to thank the people who donated a prize to our prize hamper for the Raffle. A wonderful effort. It would be lovely if people would continue doing this so we can make up a prize hamper each time. Anything will do maybe a tin of soup or beans, a packet of biscuits, a bar of chocolate or a packet of sweets. Any donation will be gratefully accepted and will be used on that meeting. Even the landlord of the Nabb Inn has offered us a free bottle of wine to use on the raffle.
I think you will all agree when I say that the Nabb Inn staff did very well. Thanks to them.
I hope you enjoyed the quiz and I hope you will all come again.
Don’t forget the next ‘Pub Quiz and Lunch’ is on Monday, 10th November.
Thank You

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