Film Club

This Friday 6th June the film on show at The Bonington is “Inside Llewyn Davis”.= featuring Justin Timberlake. £2.50 plus £1 membership if first visit.
On Thursday 19th June we shall be able to see “Silver Linings Playbook”. Life doesn’t always go to plan. Pat Solatano has lost everything – his house, his job, and his wife. He now finds himself back living with his parents after spending 8 months in a state institution on a plea bargain. He is determined to rebuild his life, remain positive ad reunite with his wife, despite the challenging circumstances of their separation. All Pats parents want is for him to get back on his feet – and to share the family’s obsession with the Philadelphia Eagles football team. When Pat meets Tiffany, a mysterious girl with problems of her own, things get complicated.
Further info from Alan (9273524)

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