Lunch Group May Update

When the Lunch Group was set up six years ago, the idea was to try out different restaurants each month, particularly because many single people did not get the opportunity to try many different restaurants. Over the years I have tried to balance out the costs of the menus so that one month might be a cheap pub lunch and the next month it might be a more up-market venue but over the year the average cost is fairly reasonable. The menus and their prices are on the sheets where members put their names down so you will have an idea as to costs beforehand.
Cockliffe Country House Hotel on Burntstump Hill was our venue on a very rainy 28th May; most people enjoyed the lunch, especially as we had the wedding marquee to ourselves. Some people felt the prices were a little high. However we all enjoyed the quiz held over from St. George’s Day (when all the answers were to do with the name “George”). This was won by Jo Butler and Ann Taylor with a respectable 21 marks out of 25.
The Junction pub at Sutton in Ashfield is our venue for 25th June (the postcode for sat nav users is NG17 5JP). They have a “Specials” menu at £5.50 which usually includes a pie, scampi, chicken stir fry, vegetable stir fry, a salad and possibly Gammon and then there is the Main Menu, whose meals are on average between £7.90 and £9.90, both of which menus will be on the U3A website. I now need your menu choices please, together with a deposit of £2.
Our July lunch will be on the 23rd at Biondi Bistro at Gunthorpe Lock. Again the menu is on the U3A website and is mostly Italian and I need your choices as soon as possible. The main course average price is between £7 and £10.
Then on August 27th we are going to Encounters on Mansfield Road, Nottingham but this is now full. I suggest you get the Trent No 3 bus to Victoria Centre and then on coming out of the bus station at the top end, Encounters is just across the road. The menu will be available in July and is two courses for £9.95 or three courses for £12.95.
I am still taking names for the Christmas Lunch and/or the Pantomime on Wednesday, 17th December. I will be collecting deposits around July time and for this larger amount please let me have your cheque made payable to Hucknall & District U3A. The Christmas Lunch deposit is £10 and the Panto deposit is £7.50.
The Junction Menu
Biondi Menu

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