Weekenders' Events and Trip

Unfortunately I was not able to join The Weekenders when they held another Social Evening at Lindsay Smith’s on 12th April. Eight of them gathered together for a lovely evening of conversation and laughter and although I thought members were bringing along their best wedding hats for judging, it would appear from the photo that Easter bonnets was the theme.
Just another reminder that the Weekenders’ Programme Planning for May to July will be at my house on Saturday, 10th May so please be thinking about new ideas for us to do at the weekends and bring them with you.
Our May Social Evening will be on 24th May at Jo Turner’s home but we have yet to decide a theme.
I am organising a trip to Boundary Mills & Downtown Grantham for Friday, 20th June. This will leave Hucknall Market at 9.30 am and arrive back around 4.30 pm. The cost is £6.50 and I need a deposit at the next meeting please. Unfortunately this is open to U3A members only but I do need to fill the 49-seater bus so please contact me if you are interested in this outing.

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