Weekenders' Report

Although it was slightly disappointing that not as many as usual came to the Social Evening on 8th March at my house when we had a “Green” theme, it turned out really well because the reduced number meant we could have a good old natter with the whole group of us after enjoying our buffet (especially Lindsay’s Key Lime Pie). We covered every topic going from grandchildren, education, house-buying and improvements to the new tram tickets arrangements, funerals etc (but it was not all doom and gloom; there were many funny anecdotes around each subject) until we realised it was after midnight! The Leaf Identity quiz was won by Lindsay Smith; Jean Green won the prize for the most green items worn and the team Green theme quiz was won by Kay Burton, Anita Lingard and Christine Wheatley.
A morning walk around Attenborough Nature Reserve took place on Saturday, 22nd March and Lindsay Smith reports it was a superb day for bird spotting. The sun shone and the group had a very knowledgeable guide in Sue Spolton. We identified lots of different species of water birds with the help of our Bird Spotter books and of course we completed the walk with a visit to the cafe.
We are holding another Social Evening at Lindsay Smith’s on 12th April when we will have an Easter theme but instead of an Easter bonnet theme, bring along your best wedding hat for judging.
Just a reminder that the Weekenders’ Programme Planning for May to July will be at my house on Saturday, 10th May so please be thinking about new ideas for us to do at the weekends and bring them with you.
On Monday, 5th May the 1940’s Knees-up takes place at Brewhouse Yard, Nottingham (just below the castle) and this is really good fun. No doubt a group of us will be attending so let me have your names and we can perhaps arrange to meet up beforehand for coffee, lunch or late breakfast!
The Weekenders Group is organising a trip to Boundary Mills & Downtown, Grantham on Friday, 20th June to which all Hucknall U3A members are invited. The cost will be £6.50 and the bus will depart from Hucknall Market at 9.30 am and will arrive back at approximately 4.30 pm. Please let Sandra Green have your names and a deposit of £3 at the next U3A meeting.

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