Lunch Group St George's Day

In March we went to the Crème Restaurant in Stapleford where we had an excellent high quality lunch. The Dingbats Quiz was won by the group made up of Val Nattrass, Jane Wall, June Williamson and Rose Ridley.
Hope you have unfurled your Union Jacks for our visit on St. George’s Day (April 23rd) to the Market Square to see the St. George’s Day Parade and then for lunch at a later time of 1.15 pm at Yates’ Wine Lodge. If you have not done so already please let me have your menu choices from the menu which is on the U3A website.
28th May will see us at the Cockliffe Country House Hotel on Burntstump Hill. This is now full. The menu will be on the website as soon as I receive it.
I know it’s a bit early but don’t forget to put your names down for the Christmas Lunch and/or the Pantomime on Wednesday, 17th December. Unfortunately, as with everything else, the prices have risen and the lunch will be £23 and the pantomime £22.50. I will be collecting deposits around June/July time.

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