Reading Group

We discussed historical books at our March meeting, both fact and fiction, as well as the wide variety of other books that members “cram in” that month; some of us are quicker readers than others but we all share a love of books. We have ordered three sets of books from the library over the next three months; whichever set of books arrives first is the next book we shall be reading in March/April. There is a World Book Day in March and World Book Night on 23rd April (Shakespeare’s birthday) so look out for any book events which you may find interesting. I have details of events being put on by the Lowdham Book Festival people so ask me for this if you are interested.
I have had one or two people contact me with regard to joining the Reading Group but unfortunately we are full at present. We find that a maximum of ten people is best so that there is time for everyone to give their opinion on the chosen book and also to tell the rest of us what we have been reading in addition.
I would be more than happy to help set up a second Reading Group (Reading Group Too!). It is not necessary to have a Co-ordinator as each member could take it in turn to choose a book for everyone to read and members could obtain their own copies. The Group members could perhaps take it in turns to host the meeting each month or decide to meet at the Library, who I know are more than happy to accommodate the group.
If any members are interested please give me a ring and I will arrange a preliminary meeting to see what you would like to do.
For any information about the Lunch Group, the Weekenders Group or the Reading Group, please contact Sandra Green on the form below or 0115 8408132).

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