Mid-Length Walk January

Mid-Length Walking Group
We had a record turnout for our January walk and all 39 walkers enjoyed a 4.5 mile walk, starting from The Hole in The Wall Inn, Underwood.
John Tedstone led the walk on a lovely crisp, frosty morning; the sun even shone, which was a very welcome sight after all the rain we have had in recent days.
We set off down Plain Spot Road in Underwood and walked over the fields to Westwood. Then onwards towards Selston and a coffee break on the children’s playground, which is where our photo was taken! We then went through Alma, Lower Bagthorpe and finally back to Underwood.
Everyone seemed pleased to be out and about once more after our Christmas break.
The majority of us ate a rather large carvery lunch at the pub afterwards but it will be back to sandwiches in February – sorry!!
Our next walk is on: Monday 17th February to Bradgate Park, Leicestershire

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