Short Walks Group January Walk

Twenty Five members of the Short Walks Group gathered at the Horse and Groom Linby on a cold but sunny morning for the start of our January walk to Newstead Abbey.
Setting out along the Linby Trail we dodged the rather large puddles left by the preceeding night’s heavy rainfall, along the way we observed the views and wildife whilst engaging in friendly conversation.
Pausing at the Abbey we assembled for our first group photograph of the year before continuing along the old coach road to Papplewick Hall and then on to the village of Papplewick itself.
Here we made the decision return via Papplewick Church and across a very muddy meadow to Linby thus completing our 5.5 mile walk.
Twenty Three of our group stayed for a very enjoyable lunch at the Horse and Groom before departing for home after a most enjoyable day and and start to the year.

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