Joining Interest Groups

Currently we have almost 50 interest groups within Hucknall U3A, and whilst these groups cover a wide range of subjects and interests, we know we are not always able to create groups suitable for everyone’s interests. A few of our groups, where we have to limit numbers for practical reasons, are currently full. All local U3A’s have websites, which include information about their interest groups and also contact information. So, if you know of a local U3A who is running an interest group you maybe interested in joining, because you a U3A member, you would be able to make enquiries with the co-ordinator of the group to see if there is a possibility of joining.
Likewise, if a U3A member from another U3A approaches our co-ordinators to join in our activities, providing there is room we have no reason to turn them away.
U3A’s are made stronger by sharing our knowledge and activities.

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