History Group share Memorabilia

The November meeting was an ‘in-house’ event when members were requested to bring some documentary evidence from their own family. What a super meeting it was. Members brought bills with prices from the 1930s, diaries written in wartime, papers from the Great War with photographs of the servicemen, certificates of birth and marriage, wills from undertakers, what an amazing selection. What a lot
we were sad about, laughed about and learned. I have already had a request that we do it again in the future.
I asked members if anyone would volunteer to help me because Jane is busy with other U3A business for the next few months and David and Pat Painter came forward. Thank you to both of them. The next meeting is 3rd Wednesday in January when the topic will be another ‘in-house’ one on Modes of Transport, so I would be grateful if members put thinking caps on please.

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