Weekenders' Programme

Programme Planning took place on 19th October with many seasonal events happening from now until Christmas. We hope to be present at the Nottingham Christmas Lights switch on on 20th November (meet 4.30 pm Hucknall Tram Station) and the Hucknall Carnival on December 4th and look forward to seeing the U3A tree in the Christmas Tree Festival in the Parish Church.
Some of us are attending the Arnold U3A’s “Let’s Celebrate the U3A” event on 23rd November whilst others are going to the Vintage Fayre at the DH Lawrence Centre, Eastwood on the same day. The next day we plan a visit to the Reg Taylor Garden Centre Southwell for shopping and lunch (arriving at 11 am for coffee then shopping, then lunch at 1.30 pm).
The Weekenders’ Christmas meal will be Afternoon Tea at Lottie’s Secret Tearoom on 6th December and this is now full. Then we plan to get even more into the Christmas spirit at the “Christmas is Coming Concert” at the Albert Hall on 15th December. Please let me have your deposit (£5) for Lottie’s and your ticket money for the Concert at the next meeting.
Finally U3A members are invited to call in at my house on Sunday, 22nd December from 3pm – 6 pm for a cuppa and a mince pie. But don’t all come at once!

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