Pub Quiz Update

The Pub Quiz & Lunch is now full for the first meeting at the Green Dragon pub, Hucknall, on Friday 11th October. If you are on the list to attend please pay Bob on the 9 October at the monthly meeting to save time on the day. The Green Dragon opens at 12 noon, the quiz to start at 12:45pm and will finish at 2:30pm.
The format will be teams of 3 to 6 members (depending on the numbers attending) to answer 30 or so questions made up of 6 topics of 5 questions to include General Knowledge, Sports, Music, Current Affairs, History and Science & Technology. If some of you fancy your chances, you can play a Joker on a topic, but you must get ALL the questions right on that section to get DOUBLE points, if not, that team forfeits their points for that section. Also, a paper with 10 pictures with the heading “What or Who is This?” will be given out to each team.
A platter, to share, of sandwiches will be available for all at a cost £ 3.50 per person for the quiz and lunch. If you are ordering your own food then it will be £1.50 for just
the quiz. A prize of a tin of chocolates or a tin of biscuits will be given to the winning team. Bob can be contacted via the form below or at the October meeting.

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    Your Message (required)

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