Lunch Group Programme

We very much enjoyed the September lunch at the Portland Training College on the 25th, with the Stately Homes quiz being won by Dianne White and Rita Turner.
We hope to try many different dishes from the world menu on 23rd October when we are going to Peachy Keens in Nottingham. A week later we are going to the Bibiana Lounge in Hucknall.
On 27th November we are lunching at the Horse & Groom at Moorgreen where unfortunately we are limited to thirty diners because of limited space. The December lunch will be at the Albert Hall Nottingham once again and many of us will be going to the Pantomime at the Nottingham Playhouse afterwards. Would those going who have not yet paid for this meal, please bring their cheques made payable to Hucknall & District U3A for £22 to the October meeting.
In the New Year we are staying locally in case of bad weather and we are going to the Arunothai Restaurant in Hucknall, about which we have heard many good reports. Then in February we hope to go to Adams Brasserie in the Lace Market, Nottingham. Please check out the U3A website for menus and venues or telephone Sandra Green on 0115 8408132.
Just a final reminder to those Lunch Group members who have not yet paid that the £1 administration fee is now due; this covers the cost of Quiz prizes, printing and telephone calls etc. Please let me have this at the October meeting also.

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