Short Walks to Radcliffe

The Short Walks Group started their August walk at the Trent pub on the Shelford Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent. We went via the Radcliffe cliffs, which overlook the River Trent and Stoke Lock, to Shelford village. From there, we headed across to the Trent again, opposite the Ferry Boat Inn. Following the river, we retraced our route to the cliffs, returning via the park, where the group paused for the photo, near to an excellent display of summer bedding plants.
Short Walk Radcliffe on Trent 15th August 2013
The walk was led by John Tedstone and finished with lunch at the Trent pub. This is part of the group which owns the Dog & Quail, with the same excellent value carvery, including a choice of dessert at no extra charge!
A good day out, which was enjoyed by us all.
Our next walk is on Thursday 19th September – to Reckoning Farm (IKEA)

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