Lunch Group News

The lunch at The School House at South Normanton was extremely enjoyable and very good value for money. I very much enjoyed being the “Headteacher” and ringing the school bell to get everyone’s attention. Fred Ridley nearly got detention until he pointed out that if so, the Headteacher would be walking home! The School Quiz was won by June Williamson and Val Nattrass.
I have three places left for Patchings Farm on August 28th. The September lunch will be at Portland Training College on Wednesday, 25th, but there are only four places left. There are eleven tickets left for the Panto on Wednesday, 18th December at Nottingham Playhouse; these are £20 each (I mistakenly charged some people £21 but the £1 will be deducted from the lunch costs). The pre-Panto Christmas Lunch at the Osbourne Lounge, Albert Hall is £22 for a four course meal with a party atmosphere. You can choose whether to go to just the lunch, just the Panto or both. I must have payment for the Panto tickets at the August U3A meeting.
It’s that time of the year again when the £1 administration fee is due for the Lunch Group; this covers the cost of Quiz prizes, printing and telephone calls etc. Please let me have this at the August meeting also.

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