Garden Group News

The Garden Group held their monthly meeting on Tuesday 16th  July with an attendance of 27 members  despite the holiday season and hot weather. Questions from members were selected by number and covered members problems with flowers, veg and fruit with all members doing their best to provide answers. An unidentified mystery plant remains a mystery. Albert brought along some of his giant 6ft high peas to sample with info on supply and tips on successful growing. One member told us about her Giant Himalayan Cowslip with a 38″ stem and lots of flowers.
We also had tips on using blood Fish and Bone mixed with sand for lawn feed. Information on open days was also provided at the meeting. Our next outing is to St Anns Allotments (Ransom Road) 2.00 on Tuesday 20th August. See Alan at the U3A meeting on the 14th Aug or 07940146542.

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