Gardening Group Visit

The new Gardening Group has now been formed and 35 of our members attended the meeting with many more indicating their intention to. The group has been split into 4 sections and all members of Hucknall U3A interested in any aspect of Gardens and Gardening should join the Gardening Club and indicate which groups activities that they are particularly interested in. The four sections are :- Veg/Fruit Growing – Short Visits – Longer Day Visits – Discussion/Speaker meetings.
The cost of membership will be £1 per year to cover basic admin costs. Individual events will be held either in the John Godber Centre or at a place visited. Please contact either Janet Gibson or Alan Snape with your £1 to join the Garden Group and indicate which group you are interested in. Janet’s contact number is 0115 9383744 and Alan’s is 07940146542 or contact Alan through the form below.
Further assistance as section leaders still required to assist Janet and Alan.
Our next programmed activity is for Tuesday 18th June – for further information contact Janet.
and is a visit to “The Burrows Gardens” at Burrows Lane, Brailsford, Ashbournet and will also include a visit to Little Eaton Garden Centre where lunch can be purchased. A mini bus has been booked and will leave Ogle Street at 09.30. Car drivers to arrive at the venue at 10.15 for greeting by Orop. Mr Dalton. Tea/coffee and cake is available to purchase. All details of the gardens can be found on page 8 of the NGS open gardens booklet and includes 5 acres of stunning gardens set in beautiful countryside where immaculate lawns show off exotic rare plants and trees, mixing with old favs in this fab garden. A vast variety of styles from Temple to Cornish. Italian and English all gloriously designed and displayed. This is a must see garden. They have their own website for further info.
The cost will be £4 admission (to Charity) plus £8 fare for those going on the bus. Cheques to Janet payable to Hucknall and District U3A. The bus will be back in Hucknall by 4.30 latest.

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