Committee Corner

Please do not send any joke or ‘round robin’ type emails to Hucknall U3A email addresses. Thank you
I am sorry I am unable to be with you all today.
First of all I would like to thank John Ellis for handing over an already successful Hucknall U3A thus making my job as incoming chairman that much easier and enjoyable. I would also like to thank your committee who work tirelessly to keep our U3A the success that it is. Your Committee continue to work hard on your behalf. I believe that the Newsletter has gone from strength to strength in the new format, a very big thank you to Marion Monks for all her hard work, and thank you to John Ellis who is no longer on our committee but is still on hand and helping us out. Special thanks to Geoff Cree for taking care of the Accounts, and a special thank you to those of you not on the committee who have helped us over the last year. Many thanks to the local councillors for the grants that we have received. The website has been a success and is there to keep you up to date with what’s going on.
2012 was a special year in which we celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, The North Notts Neighbourhood Group arranged the Jubilee celebrations at Mansfield of which Hucknall played a successful part of the entertainment. During the year we have enjoyed a Quiz Night, a 60’s Night and the Christmas Social. Members have enjoyed holidays to Lake Como, a cruise to Iceland and Norway and a Christmas trip to Scotland. The computer course at Holgate School, other social events. Not forgetting the successful Christmas Tree.
Most of our interest groups have gone from strength to strength. However we need more people to start new interest groups, especially for those groups who are oversubscribed. The interest groups have increased to 41, it would be good to be able to increase this number even further for this coming year. One possibility might be a snow clearing group!
The move to the Leisure Centre has enabled us to invite all those on the waiting list to join the U3A. We have introduced an opportunity each month for members to meet the committee in the Pilgrim Oak on the Friday morning after the meeting, to come along and have a coffee and an informal chat.
The future success of Hucknall U3A is down to its members, “Ask not what your U3A can do for you, ask what you can do for your U3A”.
Barbara Ives

Hucknall & District U3A
On the Friday after the monthly meeting, usually the second Friday of the month, members of the committee will be found in the Pilgrim Oaks Public House (Wetherspoons) between the hours of 10 – 11am for the purpose of answering any questions or queries from people of Hucknall area interested in learning more about the U3A and the Hucknall club in particular. This gives the opportunity for existing members to raise any points that they are not too sure of or happy with. Prospective members too will be able to learn more about what the U3A is and does.
Any members seeking help about Interest groups, what they do, where and when plus general information about the U3A in Hucknall and Worldwide can also phone Alan on 07857828476 and he will try and assist you or put you in contact with someone who can.

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