History Group

HISTORY GROUP Maureen Newton and Jane Pavier
We meet at 2.00pm on the third Wednesday of the month at Central Methodist Church, Hucknall. You are all welcome to join us.
At our meeting in January, Jenny Page talked to us about a project with which she is involved regarding the Great Wear 1914-18, which will be formed as an exhibition next year, 100 years after the start of the war. This involves gathering as much information as possible on everyone and everything connected with the war, not just members of the armed forces and life in the trenches, but also the people who were not in the forces. These were the people who worked in the mills, the mines, the munitions factories, firemen, police, railway workers – in fact almost everyone in the country was connected in some way with the war effort.
Some group members had brought along items to show the meeting. Jenny, as part of a team, is collecting information and if anyone has anything connected with the Great War and would be willing to loan it or have it photographed for the exhibition, jenny would be pleased to hear from you. Maureen has her contact details.
20th February Large Local Houses, Part II. This was a very popular afternoon last year when members told us about the houses they had researched and we learnt fascinating details about places we thought we knew.
20th March A talk on Southwell Workhouse.
Visits for the summer are being organised by group members as follows:
April Archaeology Museum, Nottingham University
May Papplewick Hall
June Rock Cemetery, Nottingham
More details about times will be available at a later date.

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