
Friends and family of the Weekenders Group members joined us for lunch at the Dog & Quayle for our Christmas get-together. We were lucky enough to have the back restaurant area all to ourselves and we enjoyed yet another tasty lunch.

A small group of members saw “The Life of Pi” at the Broadway Cinema which is becoming yet another of our favourite haunts. Next week some of going to see “The Impossibles” and also “The Quartet”. Later in the month we shall be seeing “Les Miserables”.
Many thanks to Doreen Newton for hosting the New Year’s Eve social evening; although I could not make it because of illness I am told people really enjoyed it and they did not get home until 3 am!
The Planning Get Together was held on Saturday 5th January when we made a draft programme for January to March, which will include more visits to the Broadway, a monthly Sunday lunch, a monthly Saturday social along with other events being organised in or around Nottingham.

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